Zach’s wardrobe wasn’t exactly overloaded with clothes but he knew that a lot of what he did have no longer fitted him as in recent times, he’d dropped some pounds and was planning to continue on his weight loss journey.


From start to finish, this project took about an hour which goes to show how much you can achieve in a short time when you go at it, are decisive and for both of those things, have a little expert guidance and moral support to help you along the way.



Stage #1
We started by removing all of Zach’s clothes from the rail and hangers. This is an important part of the process as it begins to de-personalise the clothing which helps to make the letting go process somewhat easier.

Stage #2
Find some floor space so that you can do the following:

Empty ALL of the clothes into one BIG pile on the floor.

The messier the heap… the better! 

As again, this helps to de-personalise.

The clothes become a pile of multi-coloured material instead of items of clothing that we once bought that live in our home and remind us of the past and make us feel certain ways about ourselves in the present.

The next step is to simply start the process of sorting…

 Stage #3

Often it’s just a no brainer that we’ll want to keep a t-shirt or a pair of jeans because they look and make us feel good but equally as often, we’ll want to hold onto something and not really know why. 

So it’s helpful to consider your reason for wanting to hold onto an item of clothing. It can feel challenging but ask yourself why and give yourself an honest answer. 

It’s still your decisions as to whether it stays or go but remember the goal is to make space and do you want your wardrobe and drawers full of clothing that are only there for a reason that no longer serves you?







Stage #4
The feel-good moment of taking all of the clothes that no longer are required in one’s life as they don’t fit/suit/belong and bagging them up for the charity shop drop.

Stage #5

Neatly gather together all the items of clothing that you are keeping.

When you do this with care and respect you are putting your mark back on the clothes. They are no longer that pile of chaotic multi-coloured material in a heap on the floor. They are no reclaimed by you and as such, will be looking to you to once again take care of them so that they can make you… look and feel good!

Once you’ve done this, you can return them to your wardrobe and drawers. Again, retain the neatness.

Hang them carefully ensuring the hanger fits each item of clothing so that it doesn’t leave marks and fold items that are going into the drawers carefully to negate the creasing.

Again, these clothes are going to be worn by you.
Take care of them and they’ll do you justice!

I like to order my hung clothes from heaviest on the left through to lightest on the right.

You find what works best for you though.

Perhaps you’ll enjoy ordering by colour… or season or…….. whatever works for you!



‘Alison recently helped me sort through my wardrobe and pare it down. It was a task I had put off for a while but Alison helped me feel comfortable and confident enough to tackle it. We spent about an hour going through each item individually and assessing whether it made me feel good.


Alison helped me gain a new perspective on items in my wardrobe which allowed me to let go of things I didn’t wear anymore but had an attachment to. I now have a wardrobe where every piece fits me and makes me feel good and I can’t thank Alison enough.

I recommend her highly for any help you need organising or minimising your things.’

~ Zach