By Alison Petty | Coaching

It took me 46 years to discover the meaning of the word purpose but honestly, it was worth that long wait. The day I finally understood what purpose meant to me was one of those big life moments and if it hadn’t taken so long I suspect it might not have meant so much.


The adage of ‘the more you love, the more you lose’ comes to mind. Perhaps likewise, ‘the longer it takes, the more it means.’

On the summit of Cnicht, N. Wales 2023

We each have many purposes in life and reasons for being here on this beautiful planet but there is usually one or if we’re really lucky,  a few that particularly stand out for us. You might recognise yours as what gets you out of bed in the morning and what makes your world spin.


During those 46 years though, whilst I had enjoyed many passions (hiking up to and standing on the summits of mountains being just one!) I was always aware that something was missing for me.

Some higher… something.


You may already know that I once spent 24 years living with daily chronic pain. So much so, that I spent many of those years bedbound and in a wheelchair. That was until I discovered the Lightning Process in May 2016 which is a brain training program that enables us to use our mind-body connection to recreate our health and our life!


As I’m sure you also know, good things come out of dark times and it was this life experience that led me to discover my stand-out purpose in life. That being, coaching others to figure out and dismantle whatever their version is of that ‘wheelchair’ so that they too can get out there and live the life they desire and deserve.


So while I feel grateful every day to have now realised mine and to be in a place where I can now not only live ‘on purpose’ but also ‘pay it forward’ I do remember all too well the ever-present feeling of my stand-out purpose eluding me.


Therefore, in early 2023, I recorded an insightful and honest conversation with my fellow coach Andy Hall in which we shared our experiences of not having known our purpose in life and then how it beautifully showed up!


So if you are seeking what purpose is for you then do have a listen as it’s a convo that might well help you with your quest ✨

Read and listen  👉🏻  HERE  

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And while we’re on the subject of purpose, I would also recommend checking out ‘Anatomy of the Spirit’ by Caroline Myss who is the beautiful human behind the above quote. My thoughtful brother bought this book for me some 20 years ago when I was going through a dark time with my health. It’s one of my all-time favourite reads that I’ve passed on many times to friends and family since.


It transformed my thinking about my own mind and body connection and showed me how there is SO much more to me than just the exterior within which I move through my life. It opened up a whole world within myself that I knew was there but was yet to ‘know’ and connect with.

It’s a wonderful read and I hope it gives you the shift you need right now too 🙏🏻