Watch me share this brilliant brain nugget in this 1 min video 💎
OR scroll down to read all about it! 👇🏻
Hey friends ツ
Lean in, because I want to share with you one of my favourite transformative mindset AND brain nuggets 💎
…and THAT nugget is… that your brilliant brain is always listening! 🧠👂
And by always… I do mean ALWAYS!
I regularly remind my clients of this brain truth because once understood it can be harnessed to positively impact the experience of our lives.
Essentially, your brain is listening to:
👉🏻 Everything you’re saying
👉🏻 Everything you’re hearing
👉🏻 Everything you’re thinking
👉🏻 Everything you’re visualising
👉🏻 And everything you’re feeling in your body
So this is excellent news because this means we can use this brain brilliance to help us create the awesome reality in which we would love to live! And what could be more useful to us humans that that?!
Imagine you want to drive from London to Inverness. Well, there’s a strong chance you’ll pick up your phone, open up Google Maps and plot your route, right? Otherwise you’ll likely end up in Venice if you just let the driving wheel dictate where you’re going.
And while Venice would be a great place to visit one day, watching the world go by whilst sipping on your latte in a cafe on the Piazza San Marco is not part of your current life plan.
Well, it’s pretty much the same with our brain. Every moment of every day we are giving our brain instructions and 99% of the time we are doing this without realising it. But this is where we can change that percentage by becoming aware and harnessing what is essentially our internal Sat Nav.
Your brain (inner Sat Nav!) is waiting for you to tell it where you want to go, how you want to feel and what you want your present moment and future reality to be.

So here’s a few #toptips for you to think about the next time you are designing that epic future in your magnificent mind and beautiful brain 🧠
Don’t ‘see yourself’ in the future.
BE in your future now!
Feel it and live it as if it is actually already happening.
Again, this will just help to strengthen those new brain pathways that you’re creating and that direction in which you are already heading.
Speak words out loud that fully support your present moment and GREAT future intentions.
For example, perhaps you’re visualising yourself in your dream job so using phrases like:
👉🏻 ‘I’m feeling SO empowered by this new life that I’ve created for myself.’
👉🏻 ‘I can clearly see all the ways in which I’m already growing within this role.’
👉🏻 ’I’m loving the team and how inclusive and supportive they are.’
👉🏻 ’I’m loving how inspired I’m feeling each day to get up and go live my purpose!’
…you know, those kind of powerful and empowering phrases 💪🏻
Make all that you are visualising BRIGHT and BOLD as possible so it really fills up ALL of the space within your amazing imagination.
It might also be empowering to make all that you’re seeing BIG in size! But also, it might not. It might feel good for it to be normal size. Play around and see what works for you. If it improves the good feeling then that’s the way to go!
If you don’t see in colour you’re one of the cool kidz like me and you might want to check out Aphantasia!
When I imagine a red apple on a table I can’t see it but I know what it looks like. So instead, sense and feel the thing.
Trust me, it’s still super powerful! 🤩
And last but most importantly of all, take ALL you are creating into your body. Feel it right deep down in your cells, muscles, bones. Experience it within your heart, your gut and even take it into the soles of your feet for a deeply grounding experience.
We all know of the brain and body connection so when you take all that you are creating in your mind down into your body it really does take it all to the next level. It brings it home to the here and now.
It’s already done 💫
Oh and P.S.
Of course, your brain will also be hearing all the negative ‘stuff’ that goes through your mind so keep a look out for those unhelpful narratives and when you notice them flip them into something positive instead. Your brain will take that as you wanting to go in that positive and powerful direction instead and before you know it… you’ll be on your very merry way! 🚙👌🏻
So there’s some pointers to get you going.
Above all things, have fun with it (always have fun!) and remember that your brain is always on your side and is ALWAYS intently listening to you. So be sure to give it clear instructions and I’m 100% sure you will soon find yourself well on your way to that dream future reality destination!
Happy ‘future creating’ trails friends! ☀️